Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blackberry Fever

I've been without a phone for a while now. My days are all confused from the time change that I don't have an exact number. That's not true it's been one week and five days. Addicts can always remember the last time they used, and that's exactly what I am. There's a reason why a Blackberry is called a Crackberry, and I'm living proof. I only wish there was some sort of gum I could chew or patch I could wear to ease off these cravings.

Let's be honest here, I am what we would call a technology whore. I love all sorts of electronic devices but I'm quite monogamous when it comes down to it. Once I find that lovely device that I deem a perfect fit I'll be forever faithful. That's not to say that I won't trade up when another more appealing member of the family comes around, but I'm brand loyal. I was like that over the Mac. I feel dirty every time I have to use my husband's laptop, or any other Windows based computer. It just feels so wrong. It's sitting in the corner giving me the evil eye right now. I suppose it needs love too, but it won't be getting it from me. My love for my Mac is a story written for the ages. And my love for the Blackberry is one in the same. Our love was a match made in heaven, and suddenly a move around the world has left me heartbroken.

Sure, there are Blackberries available here. Those suckers cost around $600 after a contract. $599 for a one year contract and $569 for two years. I can't even get the one I already own activated here. What are these Koreans trying to do to me? I bought the Blackberry Tour back home for $149 back in August. $149 isn't even enough to get me a phone with a keyboard. All I can get with that is a good laugh and a ridiculous flip phone that makes me feel like I'm back in 2006 with the Motorola Razor which was the must have phone of the year.  I can't go back to a phone that requires me to repeatedly tap a number to make a letter appear, not after I've experienced the greatness of a full keyboard and internet at my fingertips. I'm not trying to complain or be a big cry baby, but I have a disease. A real honest to goodness illness. I'm one step away from carving out my own kidney and selling it out in the Ville to buy this thing. Well, not really. Even I have my limits, and I draw the line at bodily harm.

So, here's where the plot thickens, obviously not owning a Blackberry is the original dilemma. Apparently iPhones are available for free with a two year contract. That sounds great and wonderful and all of that but it's not a Blackberry. I mean it does a lot of the same stuff and the iPhone probably has a million more apps, but it doesn't have bbm (blackberry messenger) and that's a problem for me since a lot of my friends have Blackberries. Oh, what's a girl to do, I mean I've detailed my love affair with Apple and all things Mac, so do I give in and try the iPhone? Decisions..decisions.

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