Saturday, January 2, 2010


 2010 is finally here, and I spent my New Year's Eve celebrating with Miss Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper on CNN. CNN really knows what I'm looking for in a New Year's Eve special: Kathy mocking celebrities, embarassing Anderson, and a drag queen being dropped in a shoe at midnight. Yes, my dears it was truly wonderful. Last time, they had Lady Gaga, and I was slightly disappointed that she wasn't there last night. I guess I'll just have to settle for listening to The Fame Monster while finishing up some laundry today.

 On another note I want to say Happy Anniversary to myself and my wonderful husband. We've been married for a whole year as of today, so yay for us. I have to say this past year was not anything that I had expected it to be as far as our marriage goes. We've been through so much in our relationship leading up to the whole getting married thing, and I guess the only thing we never really experienced was separation..until now. But that's the way life goes, especially with the whole Army/military thing. And the only thing I can really ask for out 2010 is that we finally get to live together. I'm just saying, if it doesn't happen soon I might have to hitch hike my ass over there. =)

So along with that major goal for the new year, I've decided to set some smaller ones for myself too, like trying not to cuss so much. I'm just saying, sometimes it seems like every other word out of my mouth is a profane one, but hey that makes me unpredictable. It can be an endearing quality, and you never know what I'm going to say next. Sometimes you can't really find the words to express what it is you're really feeling without a nice little four letter obscenity. My other goal is to try to not spend so much money. If I can live without it, then I don't really need it, and can't justify buying it, with the exception of those bras from Victoria's Secret. I mean underwear is a necessity, so I have to have them, therefore I need to buy them from Victoria's Secret, because they have a super cute Army hoodie and it's cold in Korea. So after spending fifteen minutes trying to convince my husband of these necessities he relented and said I could buy these items. Now, I kind feel like I'm defeating the purpose. Ugh..oh well, at least I'll be warm and have cute undies =)

As you can see, this is going to be quite a challenge. I have a feeling I'm might be giving up by my birthday, and by giving up I mean forgetting all about it. Maybe I'll just use this lovely little post as a reminder. So yea, Happy New Year! I"m off to watch the Criminal Minds marathon.

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