Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brick By Boring Brick

As the days continue to drag on, I'm starting to notice that I might be turning into that inappropriate person that shares way too much personal information with strangers. Yesterday while standing in line at CVS this old man started talking to me. Apparently they had lost his prescription that was just faxed over from the doctor's office. I, too, was feeling his pain as the lovely employees had no record of my call-in refill when my doctor's office had called it in over a week ago.  Anyway, the man turned and made some comment to me about how it's all "hurry up and wait around here." As soon as he said it my immediate thought was the whole Korea situation. I nodded and politely mumbled something about that being my new theme for life, before I cut myself off and whined and cried to this poor man about how much I'm missing J. Thankfully, I have excellent self preservation skills, and the lovely woman that always wears a ridiculous ribbon in her hair was ready to wait on me. When she finally found my prescription I let them all know how lucky they were that my stuff was ready. I mean I was nice about it, but the fact that they told me it would take up to 2 hours for my don't get knocked up pills was slightly ridiculous. Especially, after they were the ones that screwed it up. Oh, well.

I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be a happier person in 2010, or at least fake it better. So, I have to say that today was an improvement over yesterday. J showed me this amazing gift he had made for our anniversary. It's a photo from our wedding burned into a piece of wood.

We do look slightly Asian, but I'm ok with that. I'm half Asian and J just wishes he could be that cool. 

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