Friday, January 15, 2010

So Happy I Could Fly?

Eh, not exactly. It turns out the closer I get to having to get on this plane the more nervous I'm getting about flying alone for fifteen hours. Oh yea, I'm leaving Monday, by the way, so it's not leaving me with a lot of time to suck it up and get over it. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely ecstatic to finally be with J again. I probably won't even be able to put into words what it will be like to see him in person and know that he won't be leaving anytime soon. It's just the whole lack of time thing that's getting me. I mean I've had exactly one week to pack my belongings, myself, ship a car, and finish season 3 of House. Let's just say that my goal of completing House is coming along more nicely than anything else.

As of today, my suitcase is packed, and I'm halfway done with sorting through the clothes that will be shipped to us. And in about an hour our cell phones will be turned off (how Cinderella of me), and I've given up on the whole car thing. In order to ship our car I needed to drive it to Portsmouth, Va so that it could be inspected and I suppose shoved on a boat to be brought over to Korea. Can I address the fact that there are pirates out on the ocean,  what would've happened if one of those pirates tried to steal my car off the ship. This whole concept was enough to make me regret never putting an ECU sticker on my car. At least that way I could signal to the pirates that I was one of them, granted not exactly the same thing, but perhaps it would be enough to spare my car. I suppose it doesn't really matter now since that whole needing someone to follow me to Virginia on no notice to drop of my car was a no go. I mean I don't even have a pick up date for my items that are being shipped. So for the time being we'll be car-less. I suppose I can always do it old school and have a little Korean man pull me around on a rickshaw. But who am I kidding, they actually have cold weather there, so it's safe to assume I won't be leaving my apartment anytime in the near future.

This whole packing issue has turned into its own little fiasco, especially since when you move with the military the movers come and pack your belongings for you. How I forgot that little detail I'll never know, especially since it was one of the things I was most excited about. Most of our stuff is still packed up from when we had moved out of our apartment a year ago, so unfortunately for my movers they'll have to open up these boxes in order to do their inventory. At least I realized this before I had boxed up all of our DVD's. Once they actually come and pick this stuff up it will take about 30 days for it to be reunited with me. I'm so thankful it's only 30 days compared to the 45-60 it would be if we were shipping furniture, thank goodness our apartment is already furnished.

 That thing looks heavenly, with the exception of the need for slip covers for my couch. All of the apartments in Korea have heated wood floors, and ours comes with a security monitor to see who's at the door, and a remote controlled toilet. What exactly the purpose of that is I don't know, but apparently it heats the seat and you can flush from another room. How futuristic. You would think with all of that random technology I'd be able to use my Blackberry on a Korean network, or at least get my shows on American satellite. Sadly that's not the case, but at least there's a Dunkin Donuts around the corner from my home. And our apartment building has it's own gym, daycare (this has no use to me but still), parks, and tennis courts. I really won't have to leave for anything.

Since I might not be on here again until after the move, wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. LOL about the pirates. You're ridiculous!

    Wishing you lots of luck for a safe plane trip and a happy reunion!
