Monday, February 22, 2010

New Addition

As almost anyone on Facebook can tell, this post is going to be about our new bunny, Theodore. I've always wanted a rabbit for as long as I can remember, but when I was a kid my parents always said no. So I never really thought that I would be able to have, or know how to take care of one. But, he's so cute and sweet, and potty trained, I don't think we could've asked for a better rabbit.

Theodore is no pet store bunny, at least not for us. Someone that works in J's office had him, but was sent to a different base down south, and since pets aren't allowed in the barracks she had to leave him behind to find a new home. In all honesty I didn't want a pet while we were here, mainly because it would feel like I was cheating on Luna. My dear, sweet, kitty cat couldn't come with us since we would be unable to get her medication over here, and I was completely heartbroken to leave her behind. I'm pretty sure I cried harder over leaving her than anything else. I mean I've had her for almost twelve years, and she's the most amazing cat in the world. J wanted to get me a kitten but I wasn't having it, and that pretty much put an end to all talks of getting a pet.

All of that changed after seeing how cute this little bunny is, and hearing how if he didn't find a home soon he was going to be released into the wild the next night, I knew we had to take him. And it was instant love after that. He snuggles, and hops back and forth on the couch building up enough static to shock J. He eats treats and carrots right out of your hand (the carrots have to be room temperature). He's not a big fan of lettuce though, and last night J had to remind me that Theodore is in fact a bunny, and not a small dog. I can't help that I find the urge to feed him people food to see what he likes. I mean who doesn't like spaghetti? And he totally chased J around last night for the package of Teddy Grahams, but that might have more to do with the fact that the packaging resembles his treats bag, than the Teddy Grahams themselves. Ok, I'm gushing, but he's just so awesome and sweet, and I love him. =)

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