Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wanna Go?

No, Songtan Sally, my husband would not like to "go" but thanks for asking.

You see, Songtan Sally is a local prostitute here, or rather a pimp. After being here for a month I find myself strangely saddened by the fact that I've only seen this woman twice, and at no time did J allow me to take a photo of her. If only I had a working Blackberry, or perhaps an iPhone so that I could be more conspicuous while trying to take a picture of a living legend. This woman has been around for years, well decades actually, and she goes around approaching men with two small words, "wanna go." 

I really have no idea why I find her so fascinating and well amusing, but I do. I mean I heard about her all the way in North Carolina, long before I ever moved here. Well, not too long before because J was already living here, but still. I'm not going to life though, the thought of standing too close to her does strike a fear in me. I'm terrified that whatever type of STD's she's carrying could mutate and become airborne. Maybe that's why every time I try to get J to go stand outside of Baskin Robbins so I can see her from the safety of the store window he won't do it. All I'm saying is, what's the point in having a husband if he won't lure a hooker close enough for you to see. Obviously, he wouldn't be leaving with her, and I wouldn't want him to get into any kind of trouble for being around her. I just wish I could hear her speak one good time. After all, the first time I really saw her we were at Baskin Robbins with a few friends and I found myself staring at her in amazement as she wandered back and forth looking for someone to take her up on her offer. It wasn't until she started staring back that I got a little creeped out. Can you tell the only place I've ever seen her was Baskin Robbins? 

Anyways, without further delay I'd like to present you with a picture of Ms Songtan Sally that I found on Google images. Yay Google!! This picture is from her myspace page. 

So after all this, I feel like I need to start a Sally watch, just to keep track of how often I see her.  I'll have to call it Sally Watch 2010. It sounds so catchy.

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