Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dance in the Dark

Maybe it wasn't so much a dance as it was a trip, a stumble, and a slip across the cold wood floor. All of these things can only add up to one thing..I woke up to my first power outage. I'll be the first one to admit that it's quite entertaining when you wake up and have no idea what's going on. I was sleeping so peacefully when I heard the shower turn off and my favorite four letter expletive being yelled from the other side of the bathroom door, followed by an unfamiliar light shining in the living room. I'm sure my first thought was probably something along the lines of alien invasion, I mean I don't even believe in aliens so that would've been really crazy. But lucky for me J was yelling something about getting a flash light so I pulled it together enough to make that happen. 

After stumbling around and pulling J's uniform out of the closet we found out it wasn't just us without power, apparently it was the whole complex. Or that the very least the people right around us, because you could see their emergency lights from our laundry room. Who knew we had emergency lights? I mean the thought is kind of exciting, I've never lived in a place with emergency lights before. And the whole time we've lived here J had been trying to find the light switch to this light that sits right above our intercom display. We do have about a million light switches, so it was possible that he never hit the right one.

While we were waiting for J's cab to come the I started to wonder how the door was going to open since you have to push a button for it to work. I mean what would've happened if we were locked in the apartment with no heat (the floors are heated and run off gas, but it has a thermostat which I'm guessing is electric), no internet, and no tv. I'm pretty sure I would be bored and crazy by the end of the day, how could I miss Sex and the City. I mean I have a daily routine now. The sad part is, the main thing I was worried about was how I was going to talk to Avon with no internet. We are on the same schedule, after all, and I no longer have a phone with the greatness of instant messaging programs or the ability to text internationally. And you better believe I took this golden opportunity to remind my wonderful husband of this fact. Lucky for him the door was working just fine, so I'm not really sure how that whole push the button to open it thing works, but shortly after he left the power was back on as I was telling the story to Avon (of course I had to call her and let her know I wasn't abducted by aliens.) 

Here are some pictures from the power outage this morning.

The flash was really bright so I had to turn it off.

And there's out little emergency light. I wish we had two so one could be on the other side of the wall and they would be matching.

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