Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Love Locked

Saturday marked the first day of our four day weekend, so J and I decided that there was no other way to start it off than to take our Adventure Saturday trip up to Seoul. I had been dying to go to Seoul Tower since I first got here, and since our trip to the zoo was kind of rocky we decided from now on we would drive ourselves so we could do our own thing. Luckily for us someone had told J about a bus you could catch that would take you to some of the best tourist spots in Seoul. For 10,000 won (a little less than $10) you could ride the bus all day and visit whatever it is you want and catch another bus later on.

We immediately decided that our first stop was going to be Seoul Tower. Once we reached our stop we pretty much have to climb a mountain to get to the tower. I'm saying this hill is so steep, it was more like climbing up the wrong side of a slide. Once we were at the top we bought our tickets and headed inside to take the elevator up. I got completely distracted by this Hello Kitty game, so J decided to make himself useful and buy some snacks while I dug around for change to play. The game looked like one of those crane machines that you can find in Walmart that has all of the stuffed animals inside except it has the cute little Hello Kitty prizes sitting on shelves and you're supposed to knock them down with a stick. So yea, not like the crane machine at all actually. In the end I couldn't find any change so I could only stare at the machine in awe and try to knock down the cute little Hello Kitty prizes using my telekinetic powers. If only I really had them, I could've gone all Carrie on that thing; minus the pig blood, of course.

After I gave up on the game, we took the elevator up to the observation tower. The view from the top was incredible. It would've been a million times better if it wasn't so hazy out. I've come to realize that blue skies are a complete rarity around here, and it's an amazing thing when you actually see one. After we saw all there was to see, we headed back down to the second floor observation deck.

On the second floor viewing deck there's a fence that's set up around the perimeter, and this fence is covered with "Love Padlocks." This is why I so excited to visit the tower. There has to be thousands of locks hanging on this fence. Like any kind of lock you could imagine, padlocks, combination locks, bike locks.  The locks are linked together, and then locked to the fence to symbolize a couple's eternal love. After they're locked you're supposed to throw away the key, and they actually have specific places for you to throw them out, since metal keys aren't such a good thing for birds. J had joked that people who used combination locks wanted to keep their options opened, so if things didn't work out they were coming back to take their lock down. That boy is so optimistic. Ever since I found out about it, it's been my mission for us to put up our own locks, and so we did. =)

Our initials (of course someone had to have camo)

Our wedding date 1-1-09 (painted with nail polish)