Sunday, May 2, 2010

Seoul Grand Park Zoo

Last week J and I decided that we were finally going to sign up for one of the ITT tours, so we broke out the huge list that has every trip for the entire month listed on it, and we finally decided on the Seoul Grand Park Zoo. Heading to the zoo has become somewhat of a tradition for us, it's something that we would do every couple of years usually during spring break and it was typically us and his whole family. There's just something nice about actually getting to spend time with people you care about, and getting to see some of the cutest animals ever. Animals you would never get the chance to see unless you could afford a trip Africa to go on safari, or to the south pole to see penguins. I love going to the zoo, even if I really stop and think about how sad the animals must be to live in captivity they still have to have a great life knowing that nothing could really harm them. At least that's what I tell myself to not get down on the whole experience.

So, Saturday was the big day. We woke up at 6:30 in order to get ready, and have breakfast before we had to catch the bus at 8:45. No big deal, we made it to the bus on time and as we were sitting and waiting for the tour guide to take our bus tickets, I'm looking at our camera and notice the memory card isn't in there. Dun..dun..dun.. J was deleting old pictures off of it earlier and forgot to put it back in before we left the house. Luckily, we keep a camera in the car in case we have some sort of incident with the car and we can take pictures of it. So obviously, I make him run back to the car to get that SD card, and he gets back on the bus just in time for her to collect our ticket.  It's so sad, nothing ever goes as planned on our adventures.

Our tour guide was super cute. Apparently, there's a zipper factory not too far from where we live. Check your pants, if it says YKK it was made here. (It's the building with smoke coming out of it in the background, I forgot about it when we drove by. It turns out I have the attention span of a fly).

So, about an hour later we were at Seoul Grand Park. How excited was I to see a KFC across the parking lot? If you guessed super, you would be correct. It really is the little things that get me. Buying our admission tickets proved to be a little tricky. They had all of these different packages you could purchase to take a tram to the entrance or the sky lift. I'm not too sure what we bought, but there's a strong possibility we bought both. Who knows? But, we did take the tram up to the entrance. 

Once we were there, we got in another line to buy tickets to the dolphin show. That was the thing I was looking forward to the most, hands down. All of those years I lived in Florida, and I never once made it to Sea World, so here was my chance to kinda make up for it. I mean, you can always see lions, and tigers, and bears (Oh my) how often do you get to see sea mammals doing tricks? So, after an hour of walking around and seeing those cuties I like to call elephants, it was time to make our way to the Dolphin Theatre.

As, we were waiting for the show to begin they had some little cartoon thing talking to the audience, and then people started clapping. You know, that slow clap that turns into a rhythmic masterpiece. And then it hit me, we're not going to have a clue what's going on, because it's going to be Korean. Oh, well. The sea lions and dolphins were amazing nonetheless. So, I really can't complain. I can be confused about the snacks they were selling though, such as the corn on the cob on a stick. It was quite interesting. It wasn't until J pointed out later on, that people ate the WHOLE thing. The middle part included. Crazy stuff, I tell ya.  I think by far the greatest snack of the day was the waffle with honey, or the double ice cream cone thing. After the dolphin show was over, we wandered around the zoo for the rest of day. And not too long after that our camera ran out of memory. I was really sad about that because there was a baby animal nursery that had a lot of cuties in there. All in all, I'd have to say it was a successful trip.

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