Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Raining..It's Pouring

And it has been for the past three days. It's not even like a thunder storm kind of thing. It's just rain, rain, and more rain. Sometimes it comes in HUGE downpours and other times it's just that annoying drizzle kind of thing. But, that doesn't change the fact that it's been three days of this. I thought monsoon season didn't start until the end of June? And I don't know why, but every time I hear the word monsoon I always picture that big wave of water coming after Jack and Rose in Titanic. Stupid Rose, if she would've sat up on that board Jack didn't have to die. Just saying.

On the bright side, the rain seems to have taken care of that pesky yellow sand. That whole thing has become super ridiculous. I have to mop the floors every other day, and Swiffer in between moppings because that stuff covers everything. It just floats right in through the open windows and coats the tables, counters, and everything else. I almost forget what it's like to breathe clearly. 

Oh well, if it keeps raining like this I suppose I won't have to worry about breathing, I'll have to worry about drowning instead.

P.S. I definitely just noticed how to label these posts. 

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