Friday, March 12, 2010

Korean TV

I've recently become a huge fan of Korean television. All of my favorite shows from back home air on various channels at different times of day, and some (not all) are even the current season. I mean who doesn't love House, Sex and the City, and Glee. Even my all time favorite Gilmore Girls comes on. And those that aren't on the air I can always catch online just not on the American sites since all they want to tell me is that I'm not in the states. Even Hulu wants to turn me down, and now Mtv is trying to play me too. For weeks I've been able to watch all the dramas of teen pregnancy and the exploits of the Jersey Shore, and now I get nothing. I don't know how they could do this to me. It's times like this that make me wish I lived in base housing. At least there the internet still acts like you're stateside.

Oh well, if it weren't for living off base I wouldn't be able to have experienced the greatness of Korean commercials. So of course I'm going to share these.

The best I can tell is that this one is about a money exchange place. And it's always on.

And this one is for some lame cell phone. (All cell phones are lame if they aren't Blackberries or iPhones).

There's even a commercial that's set up like The Wizard of Oz, unfortunately I have no idea what it's about so I can't seem to find it. But, rest assured, I'm on the hunt.

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