Monday, March 8, 2010


Why yes, I did just use gym as a verb. That's my favorite way to describe the act of going to the gym and actually doing things there. In all honesty, I've never been one to partake in physical activities. When I was in school PE was always my least favorite class. I mean who really enjoys participating in group sports when it's demanded of you, especially when you're not good at them. Anything that I actually needed to put forth any effort in I wasn't really a fan. I mean Avon and I (she's always been my number one gym partner) would walk to the line in dodge ball so we could be tapped out and walk around the gym instead of actually participating. Plus having a ball thrown at you when you know the intentions are for it to actually hit you is not something I'm ok with, those things hurt. Don't get me wrong, I loved going to the park and swinging on the swing sets, and playing on the little merry go round thing. I mean I still like to swing now, and I'm not ashamed. These are the types of activities I could get behind, not this whole running mess.

However, you can stick my butt on an elliptical and as long as I have something to look at and listen to I'm good to go. That's probably part of the reason why I don't mind going to the gym here so much, the ellipticals and treadmills all have tv screens attached to them and they're brand new. That's probably the reason behind a little incident that took place at the gym today. I had been on the elliptical for fifteen minutes and I felt like I was going to die. The whole time all I could think about was how not going for a week really must have slowed me down, or how I must be ridiculously out of shape even though I had no issues two weeks ago. Then my lovely husband looks over at me and starts to tell me to stop being lazy and to suck it up for four more minutes (thanks J), when he notices that my elliptical is set to a level 13 resistance. Apparently instead of turning up the volume on the tv I was slowly killing myself, but I didn't notice because I was listening to my iPod while watching Wheel of Fortune. At least I know I can still solve the puzzles before the contestants, even if I'm about to pass out. 

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