Monday, November 15, 2010

Catastrophic Monday

So, today has just been INSANE. Like there are no words to describe it, so I'll just tell you what happened.

This morning I got up and turned on the bathroom light and somehow that knocked out the power in the whole apartment, but none of our fuses were blown. So, we reset them anyway and nothing happened. J finally walked to the management office and the man had to reset our main breaker outside the apartment. Then, I had to kill a huge spider that was trying to take over the bathroom so I could take a shower, and noticed that my light bulb is blown out from the stupid power going out. And I can't change it because I think it's some special Korean bulb.

A little while after that my stupid satellite went out because the sun was too bright, yet it works just fine during a storm (sigh, only in Korea). So, after that I decided to set the clock in the bathroom and dry my hair. Somehow while setting the clock I set off the alarm to my apartment (how was I supposed to know what the red button does and who knew I had an alarm) and I thought the sound was my tv going crazy.   Finally, I heard the security guard trying to break down my door to come in and save me. It took him 10 minutes to figure out how to shut off the alarm, so the intercom is yelling at me in Korean and beeping or something.

After all of this I make my way to the BX to Christmas shop with a friend, while we're walking in some lady sneezes on me. Seriously?! Cover your mouth. And when I was leaving some jerk stole my cab. Ugh. I'll be glad when this day is over.

Who knew you could have a terrible case of the Mondays when you're unemployed?

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