Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Finally, some decent weather around here. It's been in the 60's almost the whole week. I've actually had the windows open and have been enjoying the almost sunny weather. I just hope it lasts. Yesterday, I wore my flip flops for the very first time since getting to Korea. Even if it was on the way to the gym and not some great outing, it's better than nothing. Unfortunately, there is rain the forecast for today, maybe it will wash away some of that yellow sand. Oh, yea, in addition to pollen we get pollutants and dust and sand from China. Fun times.

I really need a tan =/

Here's a little tree growing outside our window. 

See how quickly it changes. Back to the low 50's on Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adventure Saturday, Korea Edition

Last Saturday, J and I decided to venture up to Yongsan (which is in Seoul), we had free bus tickets and the weather was actually nice, and by nice I mean the sun was out. The temperature was hovering somewhere around 55 degrees but with the crazy wind that blows around here it can feel significantly cooler. Oh, how I long for flip flop weather, and a decent tan. 

The bus trip wasn't so bad. I mean it almost never fails that wherever I'm at a screaming child will be sure to follow. Thankfully, I had my ipod fully charged and a good book to read. The hour went by fairly quick, and before I knew it, it was time to get off the bus. We quickly decided that our first stop was going to be the War Memorial of Korea. This was another place that has been on my to-do list since getting to Korea, and since a large portion of the memorial is outside, good weather is a definite must. 

When you actually get down to it the memorial is more of a museum, and it is within walking distance from one of the gates at Yongsan. It's also near a wedding museum, but I'm not so sure if that means the place shows different weddings throughout history or if it's an actual wedding site. Either way when we were leaving we did get to see a wedding take place, behind the memorial. Well, at least the whole set up and guests arriving part. I didn't want to be too much of a creeper and watch the whole thing.

Anyway, the memorial is broken up into all of the different wars that have taken place in Korean history, and it's all really interesting. Especially since you get to see the different armors and weapons that from way back when. When you actually get to the Korean war there's a whole floor dedicated to it and all of the other countries that fought during the war. And outside they have different monuments/statues in the front of the building and around the back/side they have all different types of helicopters, planes, and tanks. There's even a tank that that rotates and makes sounds like it's shooting.

After we left the memorial we decided to just walk around the surrounding area. We didn't wander too far so we wouldn't get lost. Plus, I was really eager to get to the food court on post so I could finally have some American Chinese food. Out in the ville, they have real Chinese food, and that stuff's amazing, but I was really missing some sweet and sour chicken. Lunch was all that I hoped it would be. I'm really glad, because it would've been disappointing to remember it better than it actually is. 

From there we just wandered around the PX since the one there is bigger than the one here at Osan. They also have a whole separate shop set up for toys and outdoor stuff. While we were there I bought these super cute candle holders from one of the concessionaires. She was Thai, so obviously I had to buy something from her. After that purchase, a scoop of ice cream from baskin robbins and watching some kids chase the pigeons at the bus stop for almost an hour and a half, we were finally on our way home.