Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Maybe it wasn't exactly the Grinch himself, but more so a paperwork error, but my Christmas spirit was stolen nonetheless. And since I'm now (slightly) removed from the situation and have put the ordeal somewhat behind me I think I'm ready to talk about it. I mean Christmas came and went and I'm still in one piece, so there you go.
Most of you know I'm supposed to be moving to Korea to be with my husband, and the only thing standing in my way is officially approval from the Army. I mean I could buy a plane ticket myself and run the risk of being homeless when I get there, but who has the money for that. Plus it's really cold in Korea. I mean they're having snow on the regular right now, and being homeless in the cold is not something I think I could handle. It might have something to do with the fact that I practically freeze my ass off in our 35 degree North Carolina winter. I'm just saying..take a look at the difference. Even the Mac knows it's cold in Korea.

So yea, back to my point, someone had apparently lost track of our sponsorship packet and it never actually made it where the tracking site said it had been sitting for over a month. And after some prodding along, we're still waiting, with no apparent time frame as to when we should actually hear something back.
With all of that being said it looks like I'll be spending New Year's alone, and since our one year anniversary just happens to be New Year's Day it seems like that will be the perfect time to eat cake and hope for a better and more productive 2010. And on top of that list of being more productive, I plan to update this more. My poor, lonely blog, I will try to no longer neglect you due to some amazing episode of one of the many shows I tune into every week. And when I feel that I'm sounding too whiney, I'll go ahead and complete the post anyway. I mean it is my blog after all.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Starting Over

So, I've decided to give the whole blogging thing another try. I started a different blog a few months back (you know one of those things where I could whine about how bored and lonely I am since Jason's been gone) but I became increasingly frustrated over the whole process since my posts would be deleted once I added pictures. Here's a quick recap of what would have been posted on the old blog. Jason graduated from AIT (Yay!) and received orders to Korea (Boo!) He came home for about a month and he's been in Korea since September. Right now, we're waiting for his sponsorship papers to go through and I'll (finally) be on my way to Korea.
Since he's been gone I've been keeping myself busy with all of the amazing things the wonderful world of television has to offer. I've recently become addicted to Glee which is absolutely fantastic. It's just another thing on my growing list of shows I can't miss during the week. You know, things like Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and my other new love The Vampire Diaries. Apparently, I've become a sucker for anything with fangs and a thirst for blood. I really don't know how that happened, except for the fact that it started out as a love (ok maybe more of an addiction) for all things Twilight. Which is where this lovely layout comes into play. I figured since New Moon will be playing in 8 days, I should share the excitement on my new blog. P.S. Stephenie Meyer (the author of the Twilight Saga) will be on Oprah tomorrow.

Now that I've rambled on and on about my love for all things related to the magic box called the tv, I feel like I need to let everyone know that I do actually leave the house for things other than work. And the main thing is a little something I like to call..Adventure Saturday. Adventure Saturday is when Jill and I roam around all of North Carolina (ok, maybe not all, but a nice portion of it..kinda) trying to find things to do. It usually involves some sort of food, and by food I mean a trip to Ninja Express (which is a delicious little hibachi restaurant) and some sort of random activity. Last Saturday was full of randomness. We played on swings while waiting for Huston, went to a thrift store and picked out ridiculous clothing items, ate some bulgolgi, and headed to Clayton for a Dunkaccino from Dunkin Donuts. Then we headed back to little old Goldsboro, and watched A Christmas Carol in 3-d (that movie was a little strange) and concluded the day with a shopping trip (more like walk through) of the dark. Yea, that's right, there was no power in the whole store. As we were pulling in the parking lot a Progress Energy truck cuts us off and is blocking the entrance. Me being me I start to cuss about the man and his stupidity for getting out of his truck and blocking the whole damn parking lot. It doesn't matter that there was another entrance he shouldn't have been there, damn it. So as we're parking it hits me that the lights are off, but I've never been one to let a thing like electricity stop me from doing whatever I wanted to do, and neither have those two. And can I just say that shopping in the dark is the greatest thing ever. I'm gonna need them to have the lights off more often. It was really depressing when they came back on, oh well.