Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hot and Bothered

After walking around all day in the sweltering heat (maybe it wasn't all day) and coming home to this hot ass apartment, I've come the conclusion that my life somewhat resembles a Miss Goldilocks, from The Three Bears (I really hope that the name of that story). Only, there's no wildlife here, aside from Theodore, but there sure is a whole magnitude of weather that I feel I'm just not equipped to deal with. 

Remember, when I first got here and I complained about how freaking cold it was. And how being so cold is completely unnecessary and I don't know how people in Alaska deal with it on the regular. Oh wait, I do, apparently they hunt moose out of helicopters in order to avoid the cold just like that woman who was nominated to be Vice President (I refuse to to put her name on here). All I have to say is winter is too cold.

Fast forward to spring. Oh, spring, I used to love you. The weather was starting to warm up, cherry blossoms were in bloom, and yellow sand was in the air.  Ugh, yellow sand. I am not missing that insanity. I didn't think I was going to survive it. I thought for sure I was going to stop breathing in the middle of the night from how congested my nose, and even my lungs felt. I still don't think I'm breathing as clear as I used to now. All I'm saying now, is spring has too many allergens.

And now, here we are in summer. It's so unbearably hot. Korea needs to invest in cheaper forms of air conditioning, and that shit needs to be throughout the house. None of this single stand up unit mess. I need cold air in every room. And don't even get me started on monsoon season. It started raining last Thursday morning and finally tapered off around 2 am Sunday morning. I had never seen so much rain before, let alone that much rain without any thunder. It was so strange and so humid. The humidity was so bad, it felt like I was camping. Everything had an extra damp feel going on, and it was not pleasant. Let's just say our single ac unit has been getting a work out these past few days. I can't wait for summer to be over, I know back in the states I wouldn't be saying such things. My time would be spent lounging around the pool working on my tan and enjoying the sunshine. If it were ever completely sunny here I'm sure I could motivate myself to do take up this lovely activity, but alas that is hardly ever the case. Damn you, monsoon season! Can I just say, that summer is too hot, or would that be too redundant?

I'm really hoping that fall is going to be good. Here's to hoping for a cooler autumn, one that will be juuuussst right.

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